MidJourney Flowers Everywhere surfer flower arrangement solarization blue glowing pastels realistic depictions human form rainbowcore blink-and-you-miss-it detail Ektachrome

Surfer in a Flower Arrangement: A Solarization Style Artwork


Experience the mesmerizing beauty of a surfer in a flower arrangement captured in the unique style of solarization. This artwork showcases a blend of blue and glowing pastels, creating a dreamlike atmosphere. The artist's attention to detail brings realistic depictions of the human form to life, while incorporating elements of rainbowcore. Don't blink, or you might miss the intricate details that make this artwork truly captivating. The photo was taken using ektachrome, adding an extra layer of vibrancy to the composition.


Surfer in a flower arrangement, in the style of solarization, blue, glowing pastels, realistic depictions of human form, rainbowcore, blink-and-you-miss-it detail, photo taken with ektachrome

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