MidJourney Crazy Tonemorphic PNG image musicians PG clip art Larry Poons Claude Cahun gum bichromate biomorphic Light Pink dark green avian-themed blink-and-you-miss-it detail

Png Image of a Musicians PG Clip Art in the Style of Larry Poons and Claude Cahun


This PNG image features a musicians PG clip art image inspired by the artistic styles of Larry Poons and Claude Cahun. The image is created using gum bichromate technique, showcasing biomorphic shapes in light pink and dark green colors. The avian-themed artwork is full of blink-and-you-miss-it details.


png image of a Musicians pg clip art image, in the style of larry poons, claude cahun, gum bichromate, biomorphic, light pink and dark green, avian-themed, blink-and-you-miss-it detail

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