MidJourney Soft Blue Richard Phillips Soft-focus technique Backlight realist detail Dark aqua Dark purple Provia film Portrait 85mm lens

Market in the Style of Richard Phillips


This market scene is captured using Richard Phillips' signature soft-focus technique, creating a dreamy and ethereal atmosphere. The use of backlighting adds depth and dimension to the image, while the realist details bring the scene to life. The color palette is dominated by dark aqua and dark purple tones, creating a moody and mysterious ambiance. The photo is taken with Provia film, enhancing the richness and vibrancy of the colors. The subject of the photo is a portrait of a person, captured with an 85mm lens for a flattering and natural perspective.


Market in the style of richard phillips, soft-focus technique, backlight, realist detail, dark aqua and dark purple, photo taken with provia, portrait, 85 mm

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