MidJourney Blue Spotlight market blue light Richard Phillips dark black Amber Leo Putz Pastel Gothic Large Canvas Gareth Pugh Soft-focus Portraits Incident Blue Light Projection Lighting 50mm Photography studio photography

Market in a Blue Light


A dark and atmospheric market scene captured in the style of Richard Phillips and Leo Putz. The artwork features a combination of rich black and amber tones, reminiscent of pastel gothic aesthetics. The large canvas format allows for intricate details and a captivating visual experience. Inspired by Gareth Pugh's avant-garde fashion, the soft-focus portraits of the market's characters add an ethereal touch. The incident blue light and projection lighting create a surreal ambiance, enhancing the overall mood of the artwork. The use of 50mm photography and studio techniques further accentuate the depth and realism of the scene.


Market in a blue light, in the style of richard phillips, dark black and amber, leo putz, pastel gothic, large canvas format, gareth pugh, soft-focus portraits, incident blue light, projection lighting, 50mm photography, studio photography

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