MidJourney Wetcore Dark Feather image hamburger gossamer fabrics liquid emulsion printing dark cyan dark black trompe-l'œil illusionistic detail wetcore Norwegian nature fine feather details

Image of Hamburger in Gossamer Fabrics Style


This image showcases a hamburger rendered in the style of gossamer fabrics using liquid emulsion printing. The colors used are dark cyan and dark black, creating a visually striking effect. The image also features trompe-l'œil illusionistic details, adding depth and realism. The technique of wetcore is employed to enhance the overall texture and visual appeal. Additionally, the image incorporates elements inspired by Norwegian nature, with fine feather details adding an extra touch of intricacy.


image of Hamburger, in the style of gossamer fabrics, liquid emulsion printing, dark cyan and dark black, trompe-l'œil illusionistic detail, wetcore, norwegian nature, fine feather details

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