MidJourney Intricate Steampunk digital drawing woman city steampunk Nikolai Lockertsen floating structures Serge Marshennikov Xbox 360 graphics Don Maitz dark emerald gray

Digital Drawing of a Woman and the City


This digital drawing depicts a woman in a steampunk-inspired setting, with floating structures and a cityscape in the background. The artwork is created in the style of intricate steampunk artists like Nikolai Lockertsen and Serge Marshennikov. The use of dark emerald and gray tones adds a mysterious and atmospheric feel to the piece. The level of detail and the graphics quality resemble the visual style of Xbox 360 games. The overall composition and aesthetic are reminiscent of the works of Don Maitz.


a digital drawing of a Woman and the city, in the style of intricate steampunk, nikolai lockertsen, floating structures, serge marshennikov, xbox 360 graphics, don maitz, dark emerald and gray

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