MidJourney Intricate Steampunk digital drawing steampunk flower city intricate Nikolai Lockertsen floating structures Serge Marshennikov Xbox 360 graphics Don Maitz dark emerald gray

Digital Drawing of a Steampunk Flower and City


This digital drawing combines elements of steampunk, intricate details, and the beauty of nature. Inspired by artists like Nikolai Lockertsen, Serge Marshennikov, and Don Maitz, it features floating structures, dark emerald and gray tones, and a touch of Xbox 360 graphics. The result is a unique and captivating artwork that blends the fantastical with the familiar.


a digital drawing of a Flower and the city, in the style of intricate steampunk, nikolai lockertsen, floating structures, serge marshennikov, xbox 360 graphics, don maitz, dark emerald and gray

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