MidJourney Romantic Floral drawing M.W. Kaluta Psychedelic David Brayne Lasar Segall realist detail young British artists YBAs playful coloration rough stroke bold tulips

A Drawing of a Man in the Style of M.W. Kaluta, Psychedelic, David Brayne, Lasar Segall, Realist Detail, Young British Artists (YBAs)


This drawing depicts a man in a unique artistic style that combines elements of M.W. Kaluta, psychedelic art, David Brayne, Lasar Segall, realist detail, and the Young British Artists (YBAs). The artwork features a bold and playful coloration, with rough strokes and a focus on realistic details. The man is surrounded by tulips, adding a touch of natural beauty to the composition.


a drawing of Man, in the style of m.w. kaluta, psychadelic, david brayne, lasar segall, realist detail, young british artists (ybas), playful coloration, rough stroke, bold, with tulips

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